CHENG Ting-ting1, LIU Yun-gang2 |
1. School of Geography and Planning, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Urbanization and Geo-simulation, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China;
2. School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China |
Abstract With the development of globalization and informatization, the global strategic power has been forming a new power structure within the infosphere, namely "information power", whichisalso accompanied by the emergence of information capitalism.As the research on the topic of information power has been looming for nearly 20 years, these is still confusion about what it actually means, especially since several similar terms are often used interchangeably. This paper aims to clarify the meaning of information power and conduct a deep discussionaboutthe related geographicalresearch progressat home and abroad. First of all, we hold that information power refers to the ability of an actor to exert influence on other actors by using information resources that he or she holds. It is to say that information power consists of two elements:information resources and actors. Then we can discuss them respectively:On the one hand, information resources include information infrastructure, information content, information and communication technology andcanbecorrespondinglytransformedto information powers about the acquisition, manufacture and the control of information. Therefor, the distribution and combination of information resources establishes the basic pattern of information power which reflect unbalanced characteristics in both state and urban scale. It's worth emphasizing that both of these two operational logic provide interesting views for us to understand the contemporary social and economic order.
Received: 06 November 2018
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